Infrared thermometer how does it work
Every object that is not in absolute zero temperature has atoms moving within it. This speed of movement is in direct correlation with its temperature.
The higher the temperature, the faster will be the movement of molecules. These moving molecules emit energy in the form of infrared radiation. The wavelength of this radiation is longer than those of visible light. Hence, we are not able to see it with naked eyes. However, the radiation can jump to the visible spectrum if the object gets too hot.
A hot metal glowing red or sometimes even white is one of the examples. While we may not be able to see infrared radiation, we can still sense it in the form of heat. The heat that we feel from sunlight, a radiator, or a fire are all examples of infrared radiation.
It is this heat that the infrared thermometers detect to measure the temperature of objects. Similar to visible light, it is also possible to focus, reflect, or absorb infrared light. Infrared thermometers employ a lens to focus the infrared light emitting from the object onto a detector known as a thermopile. However, there are plenty of other options on the market today, and infrared thermometers are among the most exciting and useful styles to consider.
Offering ease of use and accurate readings, there is a lot to like about an infrared option. An infrared thermometer may be called for anytime the surface temperature of an object needs to be determined. Obviously, since the infrared beam is only bouncing off of the surface, this is not a suitable method of measurement when the interior temperature of an object needs to be found.
There are nearly countless applications, and this technology is already used in a wide range of industries. Checking the level of heat coming from a piece of equipment, for instance, is a good way to check for trouble that may be occurring on the inside. If the equipment is hotter than it should be on the surface, there is a good chance that something is going wrong internally. Considering how many various infrared thermometer models are available today, and how accurate they have become, it is easy to see why they are a popular choice in a number of industries.
While the technology that makes these thermometers work is certainly complex, the concept itself is rather simple. Everything that has mass emits some amount of energy, and that energy is emitted in the form of heat.
Since there is heat being emitted by any object, an infrared thermometer can use the difference between the IR rays coming off of the object and the surrounding environment to determine the surface temperature of the object itself.
The IR thermometer works by focusing light that is coming from the object in the form of IR rays and funneling that light into a detector - which is also known as a thermopile. It is ultimately the amount of electricity that is generated by the rays being put out by the object in question that will provide a reading that is displayed on the thermometer.
The reading will be generated in a manner of seconds, meaning an infrared thermometer is a quick way to gather a temperature reading in a number of different scenarios. There are a number of reasons why you should consider choosing infrared technology for your temperature reading needs. Substances with very low emissivity ratings , like highly-polished metals, tend to be very reflective of ambient infrared energy and less effective at emitting their own electromagnetic waves.
Fixed emissivity is a setting in some infrared thermometers usually of 0. Other infrared thermometers come with adjustable emissivity settings, so you can more accurately prepare your thermometer for the type of surface being measured, particularly when measuring non-organic surfaces. Track Your Order.
Account Specials Search for: Search Button. Infrared Thermometers. This distance can be many miles or a fraction of an inch. Infrared thermometers are often used in circumstances when other sorts of thermometers are not practical.
If an object is very fragile or dangerous to be near, for example, an infrared thermometer is a good way to get a temperature from a safe distance. Infrared thermometers work based on a phenomenon called black body radiation.
Anything at a temperature above absolute zero has molecules inside of it moving around. The higher the temperature, the faster the molecules move. As they move, the molecules emit infrared radiation--a type of electromagnetic radiation below the visible spectrum of light. As they get hotter, they emit more infrared, and even start to emit visible light. That is why heated metal can glow red or even white.
Infrared thermometers detect and measure this radiation. Infrared light works like visible light--it can be focused, reflected or absorbed.