How many stray cats in us
Their "modest proposal" would have us slaughter millions of stray cats each year. In ancient Egypt simply harming a single cat was punishable by death.
My personal 30 year involvement with TNR has been very effective, especially in isolated populations such as Ocracoke. Presently TNR only manages 2 percent of the nation's feral cat population, but it's a start. This is a problem created and perpetuated by an irresponsible society! We must all take steps to correct it. Please have your pet neutered, donate to no-kill humane organizations and support legislation that makes animal abandonment a Crime with serious consequences!
Toggle navigation. Feral Cats in America. Fielding D. Monday - Friday Patient Drop Off a. How do you feel when you walk past a stray cat in the street that is obviously malnourished and in desperate need of a loving home? Do you want to help the cat by taking it home and making it your own, or taking it to the local shelter so that in time, it will find new owners?
If you are the latter of the two, let me fill you in some facts. How about some more facts — Over 60 percent of all households in the United States have a pet of some sort, and around 85 million of these are cats. Thankfully, around a third of these cats are strays that have been given a new lease of life by some very nice pet-people. The average cost of taking care of a cat will range from around six hundred dollars to nine hundred dollars per year.
Still, despite this relatively low cost, there are still a large number of cats neglected and abandoned every year, with low income homes not being able to afford the poor little pets as well as their own family members.
It is still believed that house cats will soon get back their feral instincts when they are released onto the streets, but in actual fact, this rarely happens and many of these neglected cats will simply die. If you see a stray or feral cat, feral cats are the wild offspring of strays there are a number of things that you can do in order to prevent 50 million dollars of your tax paying money being spent on sorting out the problem.
You can call local animal control authorities or shelters to grab the poor thing. Monthly spay-neuter clinics are held where a team of 7 veterinarians and staff of 30 volunteers sterilize up to cats within a few hours.
The program fixed feral cats throughout the state for free, performing , surgeries. Levy says something realistic needs to be done to reduce the feral population—but killing the cats, as many wildlife organizations have suggested, is not feasible.
The ABC's Winter, who is vocal in the battle between wildlife groups and feral advocates, says she opposes the TNR method because the released cats continue to kill wildlife. Another problem, she said, is that feeding stations maintained by caregivers attract animals like raccoons and skunks that carry rabies and other diseases, creating a public health threat.
The cats can also transmit diseases. In August, animal control officials in Eugene, Oregon, reportedly discovered more than three dozen feral cats infected with salmonella, which is contagious to people and pets. No humans, however, were reported to be infected. Levy hasn't come up with another way.
But she is currently working with a wildlife research group to develop a sterilization vaccine for female and male cats. If the vaccine is developed, she said, trained technicians would go into the field and inject the cats.
The vaccine would make TNR programs more efficient by helping reduce costs and labor. All rights reserved. Share Tweet Email. Read This Next Wild parakeets have taken a liking to London.
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