How many mobiles can i carry to india
The same is available cheaper in India. Complaints have been made to US authorities about the 45, rupees USD limit given by India after claiming it is now a developed country. The US authorities are thinking of similar action on Indian products. Carry iPhone X and declare as gift for parents at Indian airport Customs?
India Custom Duty. First of all I really appreciate the prompt response. Thank you for that. Can you help us by answering one of these related questions? We need your help! Please help us improve our content by removing questions that are essentially the same and merging them into this question. Please tell us which questions below are the same as this one:. The following questions have been merged into this one.
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How many phone is allowed to take from dubai to india? Sign In. Register Forgot Password. Ask Your Question Fast! Type your question here. Leader Board What's this? Leading Today Pts Helpful 1. Time: 0. Visitors to this page also searched for: Serp 1. Community Experts online right now. Ask for FREE. Top Solutions Yes, you can. Comment Reply Report. Pawan Level 3 Helper 19 Answers. Yes No Someone said: What is custum duly for 24inch lcd tv Was this comment helpful?
Wakas Level 1 Contributor 1 Answer. How many mobile phones can buy from dubai to india any custome duty on iot Post to Facebook Post to Twitter Subscribe me. From productivity to spirituality and everything in between. I quit my cozy job in the USA to pursue my passion - blogging. Today, I make five times what my US job paid. More than the money, I love the freedom it gives me to make my own choices.
Come join me. Start blogging! Can we bring the BOX of that phone separate? And keeping the phone in pocket saying it is for personal use. Mani Karthik manikarthik manikarthik manikarthik. February 25, Learn how to make money blogging Also, check out my YouTube channel here. Anything for personal use is allowed, so you would be allowed one laptop and a maximum of two phones.
Everyone these days has two phones so it would not be questionable. Anything more than this you would have to pay duty on. If you can take a risk, what I can suggest is putting the other laptop and two iPads in your luggage securely packed. Passengers normally resident of India who are returning from a visit abroad may carry Indian currency upto Rs. In case the value of any one item exceeds the duty free allowance, the duty shall be calculated only on the value in excess of free allowance.
As much as you can justify to the customs department at the airport, if they check your bags. Two is the safe number as one can be worn and other can be brought in the bag. How many watches can you carry in an international flight? I have 20 watches including some replica.